
1126 days ago • Posted by Jasper Lawler

Climbing the wall of worry! BofA chart the last 12-months of stock market gains & unwarrented worries

"It seems easier to find skeptics, pessimists and worriers. There is always some reason or the other since the start of this bull market to complain/worry about.

That's why bull markets climb a wall of worryBear markets crush confidence and trigger primordial survival modes in humans... The latest worry is rising bond yields and inflation. Interestingly, we have gone from all that skepticism about no V-shaped recovery straight to the opposite end — inflation! All within a few months. Worriers are going to worry."

Source: BofA

#Stocks #Macro
Climbing the wall of worry! BofA chart the last 12-months of stock market gains & unwarrented worries