
1220 days ago • Posted by Charles-Henry Monchau

The direct U.S stimulus sent to the 330M Americans is less than the aggregate increase of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk since COVID lockdowns began...

Following months of intense negotiation, a $900 billion stimulus bill was signed in the U.S. Out of the $900 billion, $166 billion of the bill (or 18%) is allocated to $600 stimulus checks (on top of another $120B in bringing back enhanced unemployment benefits). There are approximately 330M Americans, but amazingly the spend on direct payments is less than the aggregate increase in net worth of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk since COVID lockdowns began....Some will call it wealth & income inequality or another proof of the K-style recovery...(source: IHS Markit)

Direct U.S stimulus sent to the 330M Americans vs. aggregate increase of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk since COVID lockdowns began