
1078 days ago • Posted by William Ramstein

Tesla makes negative net income without its Bitcoin and Tax credits

''Instead of just making and selling cars — which is not very popular on the Internet just yet — Tesla could be a regulatory credits and crypto currency trading business. A more traditional CEO might not think about electric cars as a portfolio of (1) the vehicle and its consumer use, and (2) a liquid government-supported financial derivative. They would not be thinking of their treasury, funded by public equity investors turned social media meme lords, as a Bitcoin buy/sell operation. They would be afraid of these sentiment driven assets. But for Musk these are natural allies, as the operating business is merely a key that opens the lock for opportunities adjacent to a futuristic vision of the future. His social media nativeness, combined with a broad and uncorrelated view of the world, generates serendipity.''- Lex

Source: FinTech BluePrint
