
Market Insights


How to buy Bitcoin & cryptocurrency through a Swiss Exchange Traded product (ETP)

If you are ready to make an investment into Bitcoin but would prefer to do so via a traditional investment vehicle, then this quick easy guide is for you.

All about banking

Microfinance, the big market of small debt

Microfinance has the potential to change people's lives and improve women's rights. In this article, we explore what Microfinance is, how it works, why it matters and who ...


WallStreetBets is the recipe for a decentralised hedge fund

Recent market activity shows there has been a shift in power in financial markets for the first time from powerful institutions towards individuals. A new model of hedge fund could be the next step


Two types of cult stocks and why these can go up the roof

Fuel Cell Energy and Plug Power both went up 500% in the past 6 months, despite mediocre earnings and negative profits. How can the market allow this and what are the outcomes to expect in the long term?

Asset AllocationMarkets

Is it time to drop the barbell investing strategy in 2021?

2020 was a year in which extremes like gold and small caps did well as a investment strategy. Is it time for the middle to do better?

ForexTechnical Analysis

What are Forex Signals and how to use them

When you start forex trading, you will quickly see that it makes sense to take advantage of every tool at your disposal, perhaps including forex signals. But what are they and how to use them?

Asset AllocationAll about bankingInvesting

The Value Investing Method

We know Warren Buffett is a well-known value investor, but what does value investing really mean? Regardless of your financial background, here is a straight forward summary of this investment method.


What are Aristocratic Dividend Stocks? Here are 5 examples

For investors interested in dividend stocks that promise a reliable income every year, the so-called 'Dividend Aristocrats' are the cream of the crop.

Triathlon training develops traits needed for investing

Tired of bunkering down under house arrest in 2020? Triathlon is the complete opposite – a pure outdoor endeavour for 2021 that might even improve your investing results!


A put-call ratio equal to dotcom bubble screams sell stocks! Should we listen?

The put/call ratio, a favourite contrarian indicator of options market sentiment is showing the most bullishness in 20 years. Is a big market correction coming or is this time different?


The CAPE ratio has surpassed the roaring 20s! Is value investing dead?

What is the CAPE ratio? The highest reading since 1929 sounds extreme but what does it mean for markets?

StocksTechnical AnalysisMarkets

83% of stocks are above their 200-day moving average. That's extreme

This measure of stock market breadth has hit its highest in a decade. Is that bullish or bearish for stocks?
